Rabu, 22 Juli 2015


Rosy lips become the main attraction for a woman. With a red lip color to make women look more sexy, gorgeous and the concern of many people. No doubt, healthy lips, a red and bright natural increase the confidence and charm of your personality. how to redden lips naturally How Redden Lips Naturally, Quickly and Easily Various methods are used to look red lips want instant results, with treatment at a high cost. Not only whiten the face who need extra care, some people even sew their lips only to enlighten and redden the lips, yet they are very sick and very dangerous for health risks. So do not be lulled by the products or the like because the deals are not necessarily the result is also the maximum. It would be better if you use natural ingredients, because in addition to secure, inexpensive and convenient also the result can be a maximum on the condition that you have to be consistent to do so.


 1. Honey How to redden lips naturally the first is the use of honey. Honey is not only believed to nourish the body in general, but also beneficial to redden your lips. You can use it by taking a few pure honey, then rub it on the lips evenly. It would seem effective if its use before bed at night. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

 2. Lime In addition to being a natural ingredient for skin care and acne, lemon juice can also be used as a natural way redden the lips. The trick is to prepare as much lime juice 2-3 tablespoons, then mix a little warm water into it. Then dab on your lips thoroughly and let stand for up to 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. Do this 1-3 times a day.

 3. Avocados   Avocado has many benefits for health and beauty, one of which used to redden lips naturally. It is certain once the fruit is easy to obtain. The trick is to prepare an avocado slices to taste and puree until smooth, then add a few drops of olive oil into it. Once the material is ready to be used to rub on your lips subtly accompanied by a massage. If thats enough, let sejanak, then is rinsing with warm water.

 4. Air Mawar Surely you already know a rose is not it? You can take advantage of the soaking of water rose to redden your lips. The trick is to apply rose water that has soaked 15-20 minutes duration on your lips and do not forget after a silence while, rinse with warm water.

 5. Almond Oil Almond oil is the best material to restore your lips to be rosy as when you are a teenager. You can buy almond oil at the supermarket. The way is also easy enough to put it on the lip area. Besides other uses that almond oil is able to keep the lips moist so it is not easy to dry. In addition to the above redden lips, is very important to treat the lips every day to avoid cracks and cracked.

Remember, loss of moisture makes your lips scaly, dry and flaking. To keep your lips natural red permanent, you need to prevent your lips black and dark. If the already blackened lips, you can apply toothpaste on the lip, do this every time before a shower. Here are some tips to prevent lip color black / dark. Stop Smoking. Quit smoking immediately! tobacco and cigarette smoke suction that you will make your lips dark and blackened. Avoid using lipstick for too long. You should also avoid the use of lipstick various types and brands. The use of different types of lipstick continuously will make your lips damaged. Get used to clean the lipstick after the move. You can also apply honey on the lips of every day at bedtime to keep the lips in order to stay healthy.

By: sehatsatu.com

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