Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

Boy Gets 4 Years in Lampung Sex Violence by his biological father

Jakarta - A 4-year-old boy in Bujukagung, Tulangbawang, Lampung allegedly sexually abused by her own father. Actors, BP (28) was arrested after police Banjaragung previously had fled after his wife reported. "The perpetrator and the victim's biological father is still undergoing the process of investigation. The case dealt with the police Banjaragung," AKP Vivi Siregar in a statement to AFP on Wednesday (15/07/2015). Sexual violence occurred when the victim left work by his mother, on Monday (13/7). When the victim was in the care of his father, in the victim's grandmother's house in Bujungagung, Banjarmargo, Tulangbawang. "When her grandmother, the victim along with his father watching television. When the victim sexually abused," he said. Then, the victim complained of pain in his genitals. Until finally the victim told her mother that the victim had been sexually assaulted by her father. "Then the wife of the perpetrator asks her husband (actor), but her husband was denied," he added. The victim's mother then reported to the police. Knowing this, the perpetrator fled. "The perpetrator was arrested in Penawartama a few hours after it was reported," he concluded. (May / aan)

by: Detik.com

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