Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Anak Orang Kaya Gunakan Instagram, Yang Miskin di Facebook

The boys from wealthy families tend to use social media Instagram and Snapchat than friends their own age from families with a mediocre economy, which more precisely using Facebook. Institutions leading US survey, the Pew Research Centre, found that 51 percent of adolescents aged 13 to 17 years in the US who come from families earning up to 30,000 dollars (around Rp390 million) per year, more use of Facebook than Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter. While in the group of children who come from families earning over $ 100,000 (Rp1.3 billion) per year, only 31 percent are still using Facebook. They prefer Instagram (25 percent) and Snapchat (15 percent). The same tendency was also found to use Twitter. Children from wealthy families more use Twitter (8 percent), while only 3 percent of adolescents from poor families who access Twitter. Overall in the survey titled "Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015", Pew showed that 71 percent of teens in the US use Facebook, 52 percent on Instagram, 41 percent in Snapchat, 33 percent enjoy Twitter, 24 percent Vine, and only 15 percent using Tumblr. The survey was held from late 2014 until early 2015 and involved 1060 adolescents in the US.

From: suara.com

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