Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

3 Tips to Overcome Because Cosmetic Skin Irritation

On this occasion I have an interesting information about health which I will share with you. Where the information which will be discussed later on irritation of the skin due to the use of cosmetics. Skin is the outermost part of the body that is highly sensitive, the skin can become irritated due to various reasons such as the use of cosmetics that do not match, allergies, even as sunburn. Signs of irritated skin is usually reddish, stinging, until the appearance of lesions on the skin. It should not be allowed as this can damage your appearance, dress themselves intentions but the result was only made us harm. Well, I've been preparing to cope Coping Tips For Cosmetic Skin irritation.

Almost all of the materials for cosmetics made from chemicals, even some cosmetics that do not have a license because they contain hazardous materials such as mercury circulating freely. So, do not be surprised if someone got irritated because of the use of cosmetics. Well, I had prepared the tips below will help you.

  Coping Tips For Cosmetic Skin Irritation
Skin Irritation Overcome Because Cosmetics
Skin irritation Due illustration Cosmetics
Here Tip Because Cosmetics Skin irritation.

 1 Cucumber
Cucumbers can provide cooling effect on the skin, it contains minerals, and provide nutrients to the skin. Therefore, cucumber very well in overcoming irritation.

How To Use:
Prepare 1 cucumber, 1 teaspoon of pure honey.
Make 2 slices of cucumber to cover the eyes, and the remaining chopped to pieces.
Mixed with cucumber slices that have been destroyed with pure honey.
Rinse your face until it is clean and dry.
Apply a mixture of cucumber and honey as a mask for 30 minutes. Use 2 slices of cucumber had to cover his eyes.
After 30 minutes wash your face and pat dry.
 2 Yoghurt
Yogurt is milk that has dipermentasikan and excellent for reducing sore on the skin irritation. In addition, yogurt can also make your skin brighter one level.

Processing way:
Provide plain yogurt (without flavor).
Save yoghurt in the fridge to cool.
Rinse your face and pat dry.
Apply a cold yogurt on your face for 15 minutes.
After that wash and dry your face again.
 3 Olive Oil
Olive oil or olive oil contains vitamin E which is good for the skin, in addition to the already well-known olive oil is effective in treating skin include irritation.

Processing way:
Provide olive oil to taste.
Rinse your face and pat dry.
Rub olive oil on the entire surface of the face evenly.
Let stand for 10 minutes so that the nutrients into the skin.
Once completed wash your face again.

That was a way how we can do in overcoming skin irritation resulting from the use of cosmetics.

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