Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

It Ways Delevingne Become World Supermodel

Now, to be a model or even a supermodel is not enough armed with a pretty face and a fantastic body. Social media is also a vital element, if you intend to climb the career to be a model. The popularity of social media has become key to ensuring that the model get booked to work. And for that, one needs at least 50,000 followers on Instagram. Australian modeling agency, Vivien's is one among the first to embrace this trend. On its website, Viviens will add the word "influencers" to show a model that has the most followers on Instagram. Vivien's General Manager, Catherine McGill said this step was taken in response to requests from clients to find cost effective for promotion. "Clients from various countries requesting a model that has many followers in the social media, especially on Instagram and Twitter," he said. Gill added that clients have a product to sell. So that it deliberately added a special page that will be useful for them to catch a glimpse of the model that has the most followers in the social media. Chadwick Model Talent Managers' International, Joseph Tenni adding "Insta-models, thus the term for a model that has many followers in Instagram is in great demand. Clients especially those hoping to reach the youth market. "They (the client) will first how many followers he has, before they are asked what they look like, and what experience he had," said Tenni. He added that the client requires at least 50,000 followers, but there are some models that have more than 600,000 followers. Leading in this pathway is a British supermodel, Cara Delevingne which has 11 million followers on Instagram. This makes it a very valuable property for fashion brands. Not only that, the market gimmick is often done by this way, helped boost its popularity. Tenni said the best way for a model to boost their name is to "show off their bodies". "It depends how much they want to share of themselves and their personal lives," he said. (News.com.au)

From : suara.com

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