Senin, 27 Juli 2015

7 Ways to Take Care of Long Hair Quick order

On this occasion I will discuss about the hair. Long hair, straight, and healthy is a dream for everyone. Hair can be also called as a crown for a person who can determine the value of its appearance. Many out there who have problems with hair. Special this time I will share tips on how to care for long hair so fast.

For men who want to quickly grow hair after shaving bald or short hair for women who want to have beautiful long hair, all her not to worry as we will discuss it. For that consider the hair care tips below

Here are 7 Ways to Take Care of Long Hair Quick order.

 1 Give the protein in the hair
Eat foods that contain lots of protein can help lengthen your hair. Protein amino acid that can produce hair mendorok containing creatine. As eat, which contains a lot of protein in them eggs, meat, and milk.

 2 Cut Hair
Perhaps you wonder, want long hair would be cut. First patient, the intent here is cut hair cut regularly. Cut the hair on the top part, because the hair that grows on the edges is hair that has been damaged. This method can make a strong and fast-growing hair.

 3 Do not wash every day
There is nothing wrong shampoo, because shampoo makes hair and scalp clean. But for those of you who want to accelerate the growth of hair, shampooing every day should be avoided because it can eliminate shampooing the hair of natural oils that affect the hair growth process.

 4 Perform massage in the head
massage on the head for 40 minutes every week, can help hair growth. Why is that, because massage can stimulate the blood supply to nourish the hair follicles in accelerating hair growth.

 5 Avoid hair dyes
Hair dye does not hurt, but if too often very dangerous. Chemicals in hair dyes can inhibit the growth of your hair.

 6 Protect your hair from the heat energy
For those of you who like my hair to be careful. Because blowdry, straightening or curling, causing their hair exposed to heat energy. Healthy hair grows so avoid using it hot tools.

 7 Use conditioner
Conditioner helps grow hair shiny and beautiful, for it rajinlah wear to lengthen hair conditioner.

Those are some tips to care for long hair so fast, you can try it yourself at home. So any tips from me this time about how to care for long hair so fast. May be useful and add insight

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