Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Cerita Singkat 5 (Gara - gara Sinyal)

Cowok: aduh Bebz, nanti aja telponnya, disini sinyal aku PUTUS PUTUS ,,, !

Cewek : APPAAA!!! ? tega kamu ya,,, aku nelpon kamu dari paris ke indonesia kamu malah minta putus !!! ! SALAH AKU APA COBA !! 

Cowok: tuh kan, kamu salah dengar,,, DISINI SINYALNYA JELEK!!!

Cewek: hikz-hikz-hikz... tega kamu, kamu putusin aku karena, kamu bilang salah aku karena aku jelek ??? 

Cowok: Disini Aku nggak dapat sinyal ! soalnya Operator aku Ax*s lagi gangguan, aku sayang kamu bebz ! 

Cewek: apaa!! kamu bilang? kamu dpat gebetan baru, yang namanya ANIS ? dan kamu lebih sayang dia? tega kamu ! tega!

 Cowok: ya alloh, Mati gue, Bukan sayang, Aku minta kamu telpon aku sebentar lagi, Aku naik ke menara dulu, ya,?

Cewek: apa? oke, aku akan naik menara eifel, dan aku akan lompat, dan kamu nggak akan ngeliat aku untuk selamanya ! dasar BUAYA! HABIS MANIS SEMPAK DIBUANG !!! 

Cowok: *#¥§%$€£(NGUNYAH hp) Thanks for visiting my BLOG

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Cerita Singkat 4

Suatu pagi lewatlah seorang penjual daging."Dageeeng! Dageeeeennngg! !!" teriaknya. Seorang ibu rumah tangga yang
sedang sakit gigi sewot banget mendengarteriak an si tukang daging. Ibu : "Hei tukang daging!
Lu kagak punya otak ya....!!!???
"Tukang daging : "Wah
kebetulan gak punya, Bu. Hari ini daging semua..."

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Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015

Cerita Singkat 3

Istri : "Pih, Mamih barusan lihat harga pakaian murah2 banget !!!
bener2 sangat murah pih !!Coba deh pih... Jas/Blazer cuman Rp.9.000,
Kebaya Rp. 8.000, Kimono Rp. 7.000, Daster Rp.5000, Kemeja Rp.7500,
Dan Safari Setelan Lkp hanya Rp.14.000, coba bayangin dech pih, murah
kan,.?? Dan masih banyak yang lainnya juga pih !!murah banget !!!"

Suami : "Dimana itu, Mih,.???"

Istri : "Toko baru di depan gang
kita tuh Pih..!"

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Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Cerita singkat 2

Alkisah ada 3 pemuda sedang mempamerkan hp mreka

Junot :Gw kemaren bingung milih hp di mall ya udah gw beli I-Phone 5 ajah..
Xaor : Gw kemaren disuruh milih hp ama orang tua,ya udah gw milih BB aja deh*belum puas*
Agil : Gw kemaren mau beli hp tapi bingung banget loh,
Junot& xaor : knpa bngung?
Agil : soalnya semua hp itu ga pake kartu perdana semua..
Junot&xaor : *penasaran* kok gk pke kartu sih?
Agil : iya soalnya layarnya kecil sama cuma muncul angka digit dan +-x : doank!
Junot&xaor : ITU KALKULATOR BEO!!! *lempar ke kuburan*

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Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

Cerita Singkat 1

Bejo : mak..... emak sakit ya???
Emak : iya jo...
Bejo : hmm...kita ke dokter yuk...
Emak : mau bayar pake apa'an....kan duit kita udah tipis jo..
Bejo : kita jual si tole(kambing) aja mak..
Emak : tapi kan tuh kambing kesayangan elu....
Bejo : kan bejo lbh sayang emak...
Emak : terserah elu aja dah...
Bejo : ya udah..bejo jual ke pasar ya mak...
Emak : iye...inget ya jo...tuh kmbing bandot..lu jual jutaan...
Jangan mau kalo ditawar murah..sayang....
Bejo : iya mak..bejo juga tau...kn bejo dah capek2 ngerawat...
Kalo gitu bejo pamit ya mak...
#berangkat jual kambing

Tak lama kemudian

bejo : mak...kambing kita laku..jutaan...
Emak : alhamdulillah....
Bejo : pertamanya dia cuma nawar 500rb mak..
Ihh enak aja...kambingnya ditawar murah bnget...kagak bejo kasih...
Emak : bagus tuh jo..emang pembeli jman sekarang maunya murah mulu'...terus... Lu jawab apa wktu dia nawar gitu...
Bejo : bejo bilang...pesan emak kambingnya mesti dihargai jutaan pak...
Gitu mak...
Alhamdulillah....setelah mikir lama...
Akhirnya dia mau juga....harga jutaan..
Bejo : Memang berapa jo dia beli tuh kambing???berapa juta???
Bejo : setengah juta mak...
Hebat kan...sesuai pesan emak..jutaan...gimana???puas mak???
Emak : #*@?&@#*-+???
# semaput dadakan

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Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

Cara Unik Jebak Polisi Gadungan

Rusnandar (31) warga Cempaka Putih Barat, Jakarta Pusat ditangkap anggota Polsek Johar Baru, Kamis, 6 Agustus 2015 malam. Dia digelandang lantaran melakukan pemerasan terhadap Agung Setiawan (30) seorang karyawan toko pakaian di Pasar Gembrong Lama, Jalan Rawa Sawah, Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru, Jakarta Pusat. Dalam melakukan aksinya, Rusnandar mengaku sebagai anggota polisi. Bahkan, demi meyakinkan korban bahwa dia adalah seorang anggota polisi, Rusnandar membawa pistol. "Jadi si korban bawa tanda kewenangan Polri (brevet Polri). Lalu dia juga bawa pistol soft gun jenis Baretta warna silver," ujar Kapolsek Metro Johar Baru, Komisaris Polisi Wiyono, kepada VIVA.co.id, Jumat, 7 Agustus 2015. Korban yang takut karena digertak pelaku dengan menunjukkan brevet Polri, tanpa perlawanan memberikan handphone dan uang miliknya. Dari data yang dikumpulkan, diketahui, korban meminta uang sejumlah Rp3 juta rupiah. Pelaku datang dengan menggunakan motor warna hitam jenis Scoopy, serta menggunakan pakaian rapih layaknya anggota kepolisian. "Jadi pelaku minta Rp3 juta, tapi korban baru kasih Rp2,5 juta, kejadian awal ini pada pukul 10.00 WIB pagi kemarin. Korban berjanji akan mengasih sisanya lagi malam hari seusai tutup toko," kata Wiyono. Kemudian, pada malam saat toko tempat Agung bekerja akan ditutup, benar saja pelaku kembali lagi untuk mengambil sisa uang yang diminta sebelumnya. Tapi, Agung yang sudah menduga pelaku akan kembali, nampaknya telah membuat strategi untuk menjebak pelaku dengan berteriak maling. Sehingga warga sekitar memukuli korban sebelum akhirnya korban digiring oleh pihak polisi Polsek Johar Baru yang tiba sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. "Korban sepertinya telah curiga dengan pelaku, karena kata korban mana ada polisi memeras," kata dia. Akibat perbuatannya tersebut, kini Rusnandar harus mendekam di balik jeruji besi Polsek Johar Baru. Terlihat wajah Rusnandar babak belur, bahkan gigi depannya copot diduga akibat dikeroyok warga. Rusnandar diancam dengan Pasal 368 dengan anacaman penjara paling lama 5 tahun.
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Jumat, 07 Agustus 2015

XL Axiata: Andy Pernah Ajukan Proposal, Tapi Tak Ada Tender Pemadam

Andy Wahyudi, memberi keterangan yang berubah-ubah soal motif pembunuhan Hayriantira alias Rian, asisten Presdir XL. Kini Andy menyebut motif pembunuhan karena sempat 'diancam' Rian akan diputuskan tender dengan XL. Vice President Corporate Communication XL Axiata, Turina Farouk, menyebut, Andy memang pernah mengajukan proposal ke XL di awal tahun 2014. "Namun dari tahun lalu hingga saat ini XL belum pernah mengadakan proses tender pengadaan alat pemadam kebakaran," kata Turina kepada detikcom, Jumat (7/8/2015). Dia menegaskan, tender yang dilakukan XL selalu dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur. "Dan yang pasti semua pengadaan barang di XL berdasarkan proses yang transparan dan menjunjung tinggi integritas," kata Turina. Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Krishna Murti di Polres Garut sebelumnya menjelaskan keterangan Andy yang berubah-ubah. "Intinya satu, kalau misalkan saya nggak mau 'begitu' sama dia saat itu, dia nggak mau bantuin lagi kerjasama dengan XL," kata Andy seperti ditirukan Kombes Krishna Murti. Andy selama ini bekerja sebagai sales alat kesehatan. Namun dia juga mengaku memiliki proyek pengadaan alat pemadam kebakaran. Namun belum meneken kontrak kerjasama dengan XL. "Tapi menurut keterangan tersangka, itu batal karena korban tidak mau telepon dia lagi selama satu tahun," sebut Kombes Krishna. Kepada penyidik, Andy mengaku menaruh harapan besar kontrak suplai alat pemadam kebakaran itu sampai terlaksana. Rencananya, kontrak tersebut untuk 3-8 ribu unit alat pemadam kebakaran. Andy mendapatkan fee Rp 500 ribu per unit jika berhasil meloloskan kontrak tersebut. Terkait perkembangan perkara ini, polisi saat ini tengah menyusun konstruksi jeratan pasal untuk Andy. Selain dijerat pasal pembunuhan berencana, Andy juga akan dijerat pasal pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan. "Dari hasil pra rekonstruksi, dapat disimpulkan, diduga kuat tersangka melakukan pembunuhan (Pasal 338 KUHP), bisa juga pembunuhan berencana (Pasal 340 KUHP) dan Pasal 365 KUHP tentang pencurian dengan kekerasan," jelas Kapolres Garut AKBP Arif Rachman terpisah. Untuk memperkuat konstruksi hukum tersebut, Polres Garut dan Subdit Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya melakukan kerjasama investigasi. (fdn/nwk)

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Malu-malu Bicarakan Soal Kezia, Billy Ingin Punya Pasangan Berhijab

Setelah Syahnaz dan Lolita, kini Billy Syahputra dikabarkan sedang mendekati Kezia Karamoy. Ditanya soal itu, Billy justru malu-malu. Diledek karena habis mengantar es krim untuk Kezia, saat mengisi 'Rumpi No Secret' di Gedung Trans TV, Jalan Kapten Tendean, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (7/8/2015), Billy terlihat malu-malu. Begitu juga saat acara selesai, Billy seolah tak mau berbagi cerita tentang Kezia. "Kezia? Lah ngapa ke sana?" ujarnya tersenyum malu. "Nyari pasangan untuk Bang Billy harus nyaman, apa adanya. Baik sama keluarga," lanjut Billy. Akan tetapi, saat disinggung apakah Kezia masuk dalam kriterianya, Billy pun hanya tersenyum. Adik Olga Syahputra itu pun mengaku punya kriteria soal calon istrinya nanti. "Abang juga mau punya pacar berhijab. Pas pakai hijab auranya keluar. Orang nggak pake hijab yang cantik bisa makin cantik," tandasnya.

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Restoran Cepat Saji di Sukabumi Terbakar, Pengunjung Panik

Sebuah restoran cepat saji di Cisaat, Sukabumi, Jawa Barat terbakar sekitar pukul 19.10 WIB, Jumat (7/8/2015). Sejumlah pengunjung yang tengah menikmati makan malam panik berlarian keluar. Informasi yang dihimpun detikcom, api pertama muncul dari lantai dua restoran tersebut, kemudian menjalar ke lantai bawah. Sejumlah pegawai berteriak-teriak dan meminta pengunjung untuk menyelamatkan diri. "Pegawainya berlarian ke bawah, sejumlah pengunjung yang baru sadar telah terjadi kebakaran ikutan panik dan berhamburan keluar," ujar Andi Suhandi (27) warga Cisaat kepada detikcom di lokasi kejadian. Sebanyak 5 unit mobil Pemadam Kebakaran (Damkar) yang dihubungi warga cepat tiba di lokasi karena jarak kantor pemadam tak jauh dari lokasi kejadian. Sekitar setengah jam kemudian, api berhasil dipadamkan. "Lokasi kantor Damkar ada di sekitar kompleks gelanggang, nggak terlalu jauh. Jadi begitu kejadian mereka langsung meluncur dan memadamkan api," lanjut Andi. Kasatreskrim Polres Sukabumi Kota AKP Sulaeman Salim saat dihubungi detikcom mengaku masih melakukan penyelidikan. "Tim identifikasi sudah berada di sana dan masih melakukan penyelidikan," kata Sulaeman.

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Senin, 03 Agustus 2015

Gokil !! Cara unik Wanita Zaman dulu Cegah Kehamilan

Beda zaman beda cerita, lain dulu lain sekarang, seiring waktu berjalan, teknologi serta ilmu pengetahuan semakin berkembang cara berpikir serta gaya hidup manusia telah berubah. Apa yang dulu sering kita lakukan kini hampir sudah ditinggalkan dan digantikan dengan kecanggihan teknologi yang lebih simpel dan canggih.

Dulu kita sering berpikir banyak anak itu banyak rezeki, namun untuk sekarang ungkapan tersebut tidaklah cocok dengan kehidupan saat ini. Saat ini banyak orang yang enggan memiliki banyak anak karena biaya ekonomi yang mahal. Untuk itu banyak wanita yang selalu menunda kehamilan setelah menikah dengan pasangannya.

Salah satu cara menunda kehamilan adalah mengikuti program KB atau memakai alat kontrasepsi saat hendak berhubungan intim dengan pasangan. Apalagi di zaman sekarang ini alat alat seperti itu sangat mudah didapatkan dimana saja. Dengan begitu kehamilan pun dapat dihindari.

Nah sekedar menambah wawasan saja, Berikut ini AnakRegular informasikan tentang pengetahuan jaman dulu dimana kebiasaan atau cara wanita dulu yang sering dilakukan dalam mencegah kehamilan yang terbilang aneh, dan mungkin akan membuat kita tercengang.

So, silahkan disimak dan Jangan di tiru karena sangat berbahaya :

Cara Mencegah Kehamilan Wanita Zaman Dulu :

Cara Cegah Kehamilan Zaman Mesir kuno

Cara pertama cegah kehamilan zaman dulu adalah apa yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Mesir kuno. orang Mesir kuno menggunakan dua metode untuk mencegah kehamilan. Metode pertama adalah menggunakan kotoran buaya yang dikeringkan, sementara metode lain menggunakan campuran getah karet akasia, kurma, serat, dan madu.

Mereka memasukkan hal-hal tersebut ke dalam organ intim wanita. Cara unik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Mesir kuno untuk mencegah kehamilan. Para pasangan yang hidup di Mesir Kuno harus rela berkawan dengan kotoran sapi atau kuda untuk mencegah kehamilan.

Mereka menggunakan kotoran sapi atau kuda yang biasanya digunakan sebagai pupuk tanaman, sebagai alat yang dapat mematikan sperma. Duh ga kebayang kan gimana jadinya. Namun, jika ternyata menggunakan kotoran hewan tidak dapat mencegah kehamilan, maka masyarakat Mesir kuno akan menggunakan racun untuk menggugurkan kandungan.

Cara Aneh Mencegah Kehamilan Yunani kuno

Lain di Mesir Lain juga di Yunani. Yunani terkenal dengan ilmu pengetahuannya. Di masa Yunani kuno ternyata anal seks juga merupakan salah satu buah bibir. Pada zaman itu, anal seks merupakan hal yang biasa dilakukan oleh para pasangan. Melakukan anal seks adalah wajar pada zaman itu.

Pada zaman Yunani kuno, heteroseksual merupakan hal yang sangat wajar. Melakukan anal seks dengan pasangan juga dapat dikatakan sebagai salah satu dari bentuk heteroseksual. Bahkan, pada zaman Yunani kuno, melakukan anal seks dianggap sebagai salah satu cara untuk tidak hamil pengganti kontrasepsi.

Di zaman dahulu kala, tentunya kondom atau alat kontrasepsi lainnya belum ada seperti sekarang ini. Oleh karena itu, orang-orang pada zaman itu melakukan seks anal sebagai pengganti kontrasepsi. Orang Yunani kuno memasukkan testis kucing ke dalam vagina mereka untuk mencegah kehamilan.

Alat KB Zaman Eropa Medieval

Orang Eropa kuno memiliki cara sendiri untuk mencegah kehamilan. Caranya adalah memasukkan spons yang sudah dicelupkan pada lemon ke dalam vagina mereka. Selain itu, wanita pada masa Medieval juga meminum air kencing domba dan darah kelinci untuk mencegah kehamilan. Tetapi, selama ratusan tahun kemudian dipakailah semacam kondom yang dibuat dari usus babi.

Cara Mencegah Abad pertengahan

Wanita Persia di abad ke-11 memasukkan tar atau kotoran gajah ke dalam organ intim mereka setelah berhubungan seksual. Ini dipercaya mampu mencegah kehamilan.

Cara Mencegah Kehamilan Abad 12 zaman Jepang

Dari abad ke-12 hingga ke-14, pria Jepang menggunakan kondom yang terbuat dari tempurung kura-kura atau tanduk.

Cegah Kehamilan Kekaisaran Romawi

Pria bangsa Romawi membuat kondom mereka dari kandung kemih kambing. Mereka memakainya sebelum berhubungan seksual.

Mencegah Kehamilan Jaman Afrika kuno

Wanita Afrika kuno menganggap bahwa minum air dan ludah unta akan membuat mereka terhindar dari kehamilan.

Mencegah Wanita Kehamilan Inggris

Wanita pada masa Elizabeth dianjurkan untuk membasuh alat genital mereka dengan air dingin atau campuran jahe dan cuka. Ini dianggap mampu mencegah para wanita hamil.

Cara Aneh Cegah Kehamilan Jaman Amerika Serikat

Pada tahun 1950 - 1960, banyak orang percaya meminum Coca-Cola akan membuat seorang wanita susah hamil. Jadi, itulah yang dilakukan para wanita di Amerika Serikat. Mereka meminum Coca-Cola untuk menghindari kehamilan. Para wanita menggunakan soda untuk membilas vagina mereka setelah hubungan seks untuk menyingkirkan sperma.

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5 Easy Ways to Overcome Insomnia Or Insomnia

Insomnia is a disorder in which people can not get enough sleep or restorative sleep, this could be caused by one or more factors, while all we know that sleep is beristirahatnya organs have been working all day, then how tortured if experiencing difficulty sleep or called Insomnie.

Some of the reasons could be the cause of insomnia sufferers complain of factors feelings of anxiety, tension, worry, or considering the continuous problems in the past or in the future as they lay in bed too long without sleep. Or it could be by other factors not understood what causes it. Then the question is how 5 Powerful Ways to Overcome Disease Insomnia Insomnia Or in ways that you can do. Listen troubleshooting tips below:

Here are 5 Easy Ways to Overcome Insomnia Insomnia Or.

1. Set the sleep and wake schedule.
Arrange and make it a habit to sleep and wake up on time, after a lengthy routine then bijaklah regulate the body's health, especially the bed, after memporsir our organs so be sure to allow at least 6-8 hours for the body can be asleep, with regular sleep schedule will avoid insomnia.

2. Body Relaksasikan BEDTIME
Relaxlah when you are going to sleep, forget for a moment all the problems, settle down and relieve when emotion, or other relaxation can be done by listening to music or shower with warm water when going to sleep.

3. Avoid Coffee and Cigarettes.
It is wrong if we have trouble sleeping then we often fill the time with smoking or coffee, this will only add to difficult and heart may beat faster or more pounding because of the influence of caffeine that make it difficult to sleep.

4. Avoid Light Sleep Now.
When sleeplessness then try to turn off the lights dikamar, because when going to sleep, but the light is still bright, the eye does not actually break, eyes still work for you the light over there, then try to turn off the lights. Due to this being one way of overcoming insomnia or sleeplessness.

5. Do Hypnotherapy
If you belong Insomnia is acute, then try using the tips on this one Hypnotherapy, this is a therapy to be able to treat insomnia, petrified body relaxation and I would rather recommend do not use sleeping pills before consulting a doctor.

Some tips Siatas is very often used and many who felt able to sleep well, so there is no harm if ana doing the above tips. May be coupled with a healthy lifestyle such as eating well and exercising regularly can cure insomnia.

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

13 Ways to Quit Smoking Successfully Proven!

smoke can cause health problems in your body. If you are a smoker good you try to quit your bad habit is. Here is some of the best ways to quit smoking quickly:

Quit Smoking Now!

13 Powerful Tips To Quit Smoking

1. Strengthen the intention rounded determination

For someone who is already addicted to cigarettes, quitting smoking is going to be very difficult. Although only 15 minutes, it would seem difficult. But that does not mean you can not quit smoking, there is nothing impossible in this world. The first step you should do if you decide to quit smoking that strengthens your will and determination to quit smoking.

2. Ask for help from friends and family

Publish your desire to stop smoking to family and friends. Get support from family and close friends to quit smoking, ask them to remind the dangers of smoking to health each time your desire to smoke comes again. And ask the family and friends who are addicted to cigarettes to not smoke in front of you or leave cigarettes in front of you. This could be one of the good start for a surefire way to stop smoking. In addition it will strengthen your resolve to quit smoking when a lot of support coming from the person you love like family and your closest friends.

3. Set a target of your time

If you've decided to quit smoking, make sure the target time to really - really can stop smoking. You can not directly stop just like that, it would be extremely difficult and would feel tortured you. If you want to quit smoking successfully, you can start by reducing bit by bit, but you are also required to set a time. Target pairs took about 2-3 weeks to really - really can not quit smoking. This is one of the powerful for a powerful way to quit smoking without the need to punish you, because you do it in a way gradual but still targeted time.

4. Starting from the easy way

how to quit smoking easily you can do by providing a sign for your circumstances. If you are in a very stressful condition you are allowed to smoke, but not in equal portions and plenty. You can smoke with a reduced level, so it is not the same as the first portion. If you used to be in a state of stress is able to spend on a pack of cigarettes quickly, this time try was only smoked five cigarettes in one day. But if you feel fine - fine and not in a state of stress you are better off not taking the same caecal. So you smoke in certain circumstances and sebutuhnya course, this can really help you to stop smoking with ease.

5. Avoid the habit to provoke curiosity smoke

Avoid some habits that can make you smoke like drinking coffee, alcohol, staying up late and also bedebat. But if you are not able to avoid it all, you can start to consume the fruit - fruit and milk also because it would give a bad impression if it was accompanied with a cigarette. Also do not combine smoking with relaxing activities such as watching TV, reading magazines sufing up with the internet, it will aggravate your habits and also not good for your health.

6. Find the bustle

If you want to quit smoking successfully, you can start on the first day by way of busying yourself with your activities. Do not get stuck in solitude causing your desire to smoke again, looking for a more intense activity and makes you forget for smoking such as cycling, exercising, swimming etc. With many activities and too dense will make you more time to forget the desire to smoke because there is no time to do that.

7. Drink more water

By consuming lots of water will make the cigarette toxins in your body quickly. Besides consuming water can also help you to stop smoking because it will not favor it if smoking in the company of white water. So drink plenty of water, other than good for the health of your body of water will also help you to quit the bad habit of smoking that can damage your health.

8. Busy yourself after eating

Many smokers who after eating they prefer to smoke cigarettes, but if you've decided you have to really - really stopped. It's easy, your habit of smoking after a meal after meal treat with the way straight away for brushing teeth or walking - the road so you can forget about your desire to smoke after a meal. Although a little heavy if you do it regularly and gradually you will be familiar with it all.

9. Avoid places without smoke

Avoid places smoke-free is very difficult to do at this time, but you can do so by choosing a non acid-free such as a library, or bookstore. And if you're with friends - your friends, get them to the place that is a no smoking area.

10. Replace cigarettes (nicotine) with another

Usually people would smoke in the morning accompanied by a cup of coffee, in addition to the ordinary people smoke after eating. many say "wis ora manganese Udud nauseated". If you belong to the category of people like it, eat from now on, replace cigarettes with other foods, can be perment rubber, cocoa, etc. May initially be difficult but if accustomed, after a long time will also be used to.

11. Stay Positive Thinking

If you intend to stop smoking, then do not consider it as a sacrifice. suppose it was a step to leave the things that are not useful.

12. Expand sleep or rest

After a day of trying to hold your smoking habit, your body will surely feel tired. So it would be nice if you add your rest time. Moreover, by way of sleep, you will not think anymore to smoke.

13. Quit smoking from now

You've read tips on how to quit smoking above, you've got the will to quit smoking, the next step is of course start to quit smoking now! Rest assured that quitting smoking was the right decision and would be more beneficial to you.

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

20 Best Ways "Survive" in Bed

Free your mind

If you want to last longer in bed, free your mind of all sexual expectations. Hopes of giving unnecessary stress and can affect your performance.

Lubricate Good

According to a study conducted by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, men who use lubricants during intercourse using a condom could have sex longer than men who did not.

Start with Foreplay

Start with foreplay, oral sex, and passionate kiss kiss so as not to get bored. Start slowly aka not in a hurry can make your sex more durable.

More Often Better

If you want an expert in intercourse, should continue to practice. In addition to the expert, it will also help build your sexual stamina in bed.


Before having sex with a partner, masturbation try first to learn the pleasure zones on your body.

Enable Pelvic Muscles

One of the most important muscles during sexual intercourse is the pelvic muscles. Thus, strengthening these muscles to increase sexual stamina.

Try Squatting

If you are a beginner and want to improve performance, try squats weight. You do not need any equipment other than the body itself. If you want to further improve the stamina, you can try a full squat or squat on one leg.

Bench Press

Lie on a flat bench and make sure you do not arch your back. Hold the barbell with hands shoulder width apart, palms facing feet, and then press the weights straight up and back down.

Knee Bends

Lunges train the same muscles as squats. However, the knee can make gluteal muscles work harder when your body to slow down to the bottom. With the knee also requires more stability involving the calf muscles and lower back.

It's easy:

- Stand with feet hip-width apart.

- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, if desired.

- Promote the right foot.

- Bend both knees slowly lower the body.

- Do not bend your knees more than 90 degrees and keep the front knee is aligned with the front of the ankle.

- Repeat with the left leg.


Kegel is the best and easiest ways to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Having control over your pelvic muscles will help you have stronger erections. You can start by doing this simple exercise. When visiting the bathroom, try to start and stop the flow of urine.

Stay Active

To last longer in bed you need energy and effort. High energy can only be achieved by exercising every day. Exercise is a great way to increase stamina and improve your blood circulation.

Avoid Alcohol

Avoid drinking alcohol if you want to woo your partner and enjoy sexual pleasure.


Regularly stretch your legs and hands to avoid muscle cramps. Stretching is the simplest method to keep your muscles free from muscle pain.

Enough Protein

Make sure you eat good quality protein for the body to produce essential amino acids the body needs. Such as egg whites, low-fat milk and dairy products, fish, and chicken.

Balanced meals

To build sexual stamina, do not just rely on foreplay. Include a balanced diet by adding low-fat products, plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. This will help your body stay healthy and improve both your physical and mental stamina.

Healthy Weight Loss

Keep your weight remains healthy with high regard and body structure. If you are underweight, consult your doctor or a nutritionist to help you achieve your ideal weight.

Avoid Eating Before Bhubungan Sex

Surely you do not want drowsy prior to intercourse, is not it? So, avoid overeating, especially prior to intercourse.

Increase Blood Circulation

For better erections and longer, it is important to have good circulation. Get a nice massage from your partner, sensual touch will not only improve blood flow, but also releasing sex hormone.

Sleep soundly

To improve sexual stamina lest you lack sleep. Prioritizing always focus on better sleep better than sex. Lack of sleep can be a libido killer.

Avoid Stress

If you are stressed, take time to relax and meditate and concentrate on improving your mood.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

4 Ways to Remove Dead Skin

On this occasion I have some interesting information about health, which in this occasion I will discuss about the dead skin cells. Appearance is very important, therefore the skin condition should we care so as not to disturb our appearance. The dead skin cells making skin look dry and black spots, it certainly makes us very disturbed at all. Thus, we must do the handling to remove the dead skin cells. If you do not know how to handle it, I've been preparing for his tips for you, this is it How to Remove Dead Skin.

Your confidence will be reduced because dead skin cells can damage your appearance, use cosmetic products to overcome it make you scared because using chemicals. Well, the way I gave it wearing natural material which is very safe for you. Well, consider all the discussion below.

Here are 4 ways to eliminate dead skin to keep skin healthy and smooth white uniform.

 1 Lime
Orange Nipi can overcome various problems in facial skin including dead skin cells. Place the lemon slices on the entire surface of the face and leave it to dry, after dry wash your face using luke warm water lukewarm so that its pores open, then rinse again with cold water so that its pores closed.

 2 Sugar
Granulated sugar can be used as a scrub to remove dead skin cells, how we mix 1 tablespoon granulated sugar with olive oil and honey, after mixed we apply on face and leave for 10 minutes then we rinse with warm water.

 3 Nuts Walnuts
We can not expect, it turns nuts also can beautify our appearance, walnuts serves to peel off dead skin cells. The way we mashed 1/4 cup walnuts until smooth, then we mix it with yoghurt as an antibacterial and mildew so skin looks fresh, after mixed we apply on the entire surface of the face and let sit for 15 minutes. Afterwards we wash face with cold water.

 4 Salt
After last sugar, salt now turn his opponent. This salt scrub effectively remove dead skin cells. The way we mix 1 cup of salt water with olive oil, and add 5 drops of apricot oil. After that, apply on face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water.

Well, that was some way that you can do to cope with the dead skin cells. Choose the way that you think is the material you have at home. In conclusion I thank you for reading the article on How to Remove Dead Skin.

Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

5 Ways to Eliminate stubborn Climb

On this occasion I had a very interesting information and it deserves to be discussed, on this occasion I will discuss about the dirt that sticks to the body. Dirt is dirt that has accumulated and mixed with sweat, skin berdaki will usually colored black and dull, the skin of the berdaki usually found on the knees, the folds of the armpits, in the groin, and neck. Remove dirt, not necessarily with expensive treatments with cosmetic or otherwise, only a special care is more than just a shower only. Climb will not go away easily though we showered, then tips on How to Eliminate stubborn Climb feasible for us to prove.

Climb to make skin dull and dry, it makes us feel not feel confident and tend to wear clothing that covered. So I will give way to overcome such tips below.

Experiencing illustration Climb is hard to be eliminated

Here's How To Eliminate stubborn Climb.

1. Maintain Cleanliness
Maintain Body Health

Maintain cleanliness of the body is required if you want clear skin, a shower twice a day can prevent the accumulation of dirt so that the dirt does not accumulate and become stubborn dirt. We need to know, such as the tropical climate in our country makes the dirt more easily attach to the body.

2. Ground Coffee
Coffee Powder for skin

For fans of coffee, there is no harm in taking a bit of coffee you to remove stubborn dirt. Coffee grounds can be used as a scrub, we use a few tablespoons of ground coffee and then applied to the skin which berdaki.

3. Olive Oil
Olive oil for the skin

Olive oil is much beneficial for skin beauty and one of them powerful to overcome stubborn dirt. To use olive oil we have to mix it with 1 handful of roasted rice and finely ground, then mixed with a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply on the skin of the berdaki.

4. Lime
Lime for the skin

Concentrated sour taste in the lime can be used as a powerful weapon remove dirt, we sufficiently divide into 2 parts lime then smeared and rub on the skin of berdaki, but make sure there is no injury to the skin because it will be very sore when exposed to liquid lime.

5. Pumice

For those of you who live dipinggiran times, it may be very easy to find pumice, pumice stone is a stone that has large pores and can wear off the dirt when rubbed on the skin. However, if we do not find the time or the river, pumice also sold at beauty supply stores.

Well, that was a few tips fade stubborn dirt. Apparently my ends meet so information about How To Eliminate stubborn Climb at this time, I hope the above tips existing dirt on the skin can be quickly resolved  and back have beautiful skin and smooth.

Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

6 Ways to Remove Dark Circles In The Eyes

On this occasion I had a beauty about the information that I can give to you. This information will discuss about the dark circles under the eyes that often makes us feel insecure. Dark circles can be caused by many things such as nasal congestion, lack of sleep, allergies, aging, pregnancy or menstruation, vitamin deficiencies, dehydration, smoking, side effects of medications, heredity and so forth. Now, to overcome the dark circles under the eyes I have compiled some tips Getting Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

A great many indeed, outstanding cosmetic products in order to overcome these dark circles under the eyes. However, everything is made of chemicals, although safe but the effects of these chemicals will occur in the long term. Well, I will share tips below are very safe without the need for chemicals.
Getting Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Here's How To Eliminate Dark Circles Under Eyes for you.

1. Inadequate fluid needs of your body
Adding body fluids

Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day because we know the black circle below one of the causes is the lack of fluids or dehydration. So when your body's fluid needs are met then the dark circles under the eyes will also be lost.

2. Rest enough
Enough rest

Go to sleep at least 8 hours each day. Lack of sleep can cause dark bags under the eyes. So, if you sleep enough then it will not happen.

3. Use cucumber slices to compress your eyelids
cucumber for skin

Do this every day by placing 2 slices of cucumber. Sliced ​​cucumber in the trust can provide a cooling effect that can eliminate puffiness and dark circles.

4. Avoid carbonated beverages and caffeine

Since both of these drinks can lead to impaired absorption of fluids into his body resulting in dehydration, dehydration makes the toxins in the body are not wasted perfect and result in changes in skin color such as dark circles on the eyelids.

5. Use sliced ​​lemon
sliced ​​lemons

Lemon fruit contains vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for skin lightening. Use regularly until dark circles under your eyelids disappeared.

6. Wear a mask potatoes
Potato mask

Potatoes can help overcome the dark circles under the eye lids. We can slice the potatoes and put them on the eyelids for 20 minutes to help disguise the black color.

Well, that was some way that you can do in overcoming the dark circles.

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

7 Ways to Take Care of Long Hair Quick order

On this occasion I will discuss about the hair. Long hair, straight, and healthy is a dream for everyone. Hair can be also called as a crown for a person who can determine the value of its appearance. Many out there who have problems with hair. Special this time I will share tips on how to care for long hair so fast.

For men who want to quickly grow hair after shaving bald or short hair for women who want to have beautiful long hair, all her not to worry as we will discuss it. For that consider the hair care tips below

Here are 7 Ways to Take Care of Long Hair Quick order.

 1 Give the protein in the hair
Eat foods that contain lots of protein can help lengthen your hair. Protein amino acid that can produce hair mendorok containing creatine. As eat, which contains a lot of protein in them eggs, meat, and milk.

 2 Cut Hair
Perhaps you wonder, want long hair would be cut. First patient, the intent here is cut hair cut regularly. Cut the hair on the top part, because the hair that grows on the edges is hair that has been damaged. This method can make a strong and fast-growing hair.

 3 Do not wash every day
There is nothing wrong shampoo, because shampoo makes hair and scalp clean. But for those of you who want to accelerate the growth of hair, shampooing every day should be avoided because it can eliminate shampooing the hair of natural oils that affect the hair growth process.

 4 Perform massage in the head
massage on the head for 40 minutes every week, can help hair growth. Why is that, because massage can stimulate the blood supply to nourish the hair follicles in accelerating hair growth.

 5 Avoid hair dyes
Hair dye does not hurt, but if too often very dangerous. Chemicals in hair dyes can inhibit the growth of your hair.

 6 Protect your hair from the heat energy
For those of you who like my hair to be careful. Because blowdry, straightening or curling, causing their hair exposed to heat energy. Healthy hair grows so avoid using it hot tools.

 7 Use conditioner
Conditioner helps grow hair shiny and beautiful, for it rajinlah wear to lengthen hair conditioner.

Those are some tips to care for long hair so fast, you can try it yourself at home. So any tips from me this time about how to care for long hair so fast. May be useful and add insight

Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

4 Easy Ways Removing Toxins In The Body

The Easy Way Removing Toxins In The Body. Of course, we are very grateful to this day still feel healthy and delicious incredible, we could move normally every day, we can still eat well and sleep well but you realize that the meal you eat every day as well as outside activities could lead to toxins enters the body and settles continuously until the piles, indeed until now you have not felt any symptoms but someday surely be felt especially when stepping on the old days. But maybe you still do not believe because you do not feel any symptoms of things.

Instant foods you eat every day, eat dyes and preservatives every day and your activities in space with smoke polluting vehicles that are toxic to our bodies at the same time, now that some of the toxins that could I mentioned and of course there are many more others, well to overcome above I will give you tips on How to Easily remove toxins from the body. which will be very useful for you of course, any tips refer to the following explanation.

Drinking Water
In the illustration Removing Toxins in the Body
Here are 4 Easy Ways Of Removing Toxins In The Body.

 1 Avoid Food Chemistry

As I said earlier is one of the causes toxins from food, such as instant meal, eat with dye and preservative that keeps you consume in a sustainable manner, and of course it is a poison that will accumulate, so from now on to avoid or at least reduce the quantity and intensity ,

 2 Exercising

One way to remove toxins is by way of sweat for toxins will come out along with the sweat, then the exercise will provoke sweat to be able to remove toxins this way is very powerful and easy to do for those who are not lazy to exercise course.

 3 Much Drinking Water

Already a potent concoction of course water is a cure of many diseases, may you also often get recommendation from a doctor for frequent drinking, and in this regard you can do it, drink water at least 2 liters per day is a little difficult but it wasnt to far more healthy expensive and important so try.

 4 Consumption of Wine

Who does not know this is very delicious fruit, fruit that is a dream in every corner of the world, sweet and fresh taste and the more we feel good again that with this fruit we can remove toxins in our body, not just the wine has properties that many other inter Grapes contain resveratrol can ward off skin cancer from sun exposure were burned during the day.

Such was the 4 easy ways remove toxins from your body, you may be able to stay healthy and can move with vigor. So only the tips of my article on How to Easily remove toxins from the body may be beneficial to you all

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

4 Ways to Eliminate Stress Without Drugs

Stress is a condition in which a person experiences a very great distress to the soul. Stress can come on anybody knows no age and gender. The more the burden of mind and also the problems faced by the level of stress a person will be higher. If stress levels are too high, this is very dangerous. Well in this article it is discussed about how to relieve stress without medication. Actually, to relieve the stress does not have to use a sedative but can be done naturally without drugs. Sedative used if the level of stress on the already very high and can cause mental illness.

How to eliminate the most potent stress is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and also maintain mental health. There are different ways that life is always happy and also avoid stress. These methods do not need to use drugs or other chemicals aid. All this means is inside you and also your everyday social relationships. As these methods are as follows.

How To Eliminate Stress
Illustration of stress
Here are 4 Ways to Eliminate Stress Without Drugs.

1. Positive berfikiran
Positive minded is the most effective way to relieve stress. Face all problems with a positive mind and gracefully. Look at the problems you are having with the positive. Cultivate in yourself that you face problems you can finish well.

2. Thankful
Thankful is one effective way of relieving stress. With you will always feel grateful enough and did not experience significant pressure. Grateful to be able to make the heart calm and peace, all problems will be met by always grateful.

3. Laugh
Laughter is one way to relieve stress. With a laugh heart will be glad and happy. People who rarely laugh higher stress levels. With a laugh can also reduce the burden on your mind.

4. Sharing with friends

 Many people are not aware that by chatting with a friend can reduce stress. Sharing or share stories with close friends would reduce the burden on your mind. You can vent all your heart's content at the people you trust.

How to relieve stress described above can also simultaneously to prevent stress. The above methods have also been proven to reduce stress relieving mild or severe stress. If you are already experiencing severe stress and a little disturbed soul is better if therapy with the help of a specialist psychiatric order not suffered prolonged stress.

Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

5 Simple Tips to Prevent Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a kind of dangerous disease that can cause death. This degenerative diseases listed as the third leading cause of death after heart and cancer. This is not due to the severity of diabetes disease that attacks someone however, it happens as a result of complications induced by diabetes itself. Therefore, everyone is highly recommended to find out how to prevent diabetes mellitus that is not attacked by this deadly disease. The prevention of the onset of diabetes, be the first step to get a healthy life without attack high sugar content.

What should be done to prevent diabetes?

The first thing you need to know as an effort to prevent diabetes is, to know that this disease can affect anyone. But the risk of diabetes has doubled in those who have a family history of diabetes. So, for those of you who fall into this category should prevent more stringent. Here are 5 ways to prevent diabetes mellitus which can be done easily.

 1. Changes in lifestyle
Must be done in order to avoid diabetes. Because, unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of diabetes. For example, for someone who likes to eat instant foods, the risk of increased levels of sugar will go faster. Because the instant foods high in fat calories while only a small amount. So, if you want to avoid diabetes move on eating healthy foods that do not contain saturated fats.

2. Setting diet
Due to the lack of proper diet will increase the risk of diabetes. So, try to eat regularly in order in the body's nutritional needs are met as well.

3. A balanced diet
Needs to be done for those who are overweight. This is done to prevent diabetes before it's too late. To reduce the risk of diabetes in the obese body that you are encouraged to eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

4. Exercise regularly
Where a person who exercise regularly proven to reduce the risk of diabetes. It is highly recommended for those who have a family history of diabetes.

5. Maintain weight
Done by exercising and eating foods high in fiber. It aims to reduce the accumulation of excess fat. Because of excess fat that accumulates in the abdomen or waist can increase the incidence of diabetes.

Some explanations about diabetes and its prevention, will allow you to avoid this disease. For the treatment of this disease can be done by utilizing the types of drugs made from natural. One of the most appropriate solution in curing diabetes is to consume natural cure blood sugar disease.

Natural remedy is safe to consume Tahitian Noni. This natural herb contains Morinfa citrifolia that is able to lower blood glucose effectively. So that when people routinely consume the healing will take place properly and avoid complications.

3 Tips to Overcome Because Cosmetic Skin Irritation

On this occasion I have an interesting information about health which I will share with you. Where the information which will be discussed later on irritation of the skin due to the use of cosmetics. Skin is the outermost part of the body that is highly sensitive, the skin can become irritated due to various reasons such as the use of cosmetics that do not match, allergies, even as sunburn. Signs of irritated skin is usually reddish, stinging, until the appearance of lesions on the skin. It should not be allowed as this can damage your appearance, dress themselves intentions but the result was only made us harm. Well, I've been preparing to cope Coping Tips For Cosmetic Skin irritation.

Almost all of the materials for cosmetics made from chemicals, even some cosmetics that do not have a license because they contain hazardous materials such as mercury circulating freely. So, do not be surprised if someone got irritated because of the use of cosmetics. Well, I had prepared the tips below will help you.

  Coping Tips For Cosmetic Skin Irritation
Skin Irritation Overcome Because Cosmetics
Skin irritation Due illustration Cosmetics
Here Tip Because Cosmetics Skin irritation.

 1 Cucumber
Cucumbers can provide cooling effect on the skin, it contains minerals, and provide nutrients to the skin. Therefore, cucumber very well in overcoming irritation.

How To Use:
Prepare 1 cucumber, 1 teaspoon of pure honey.
Make 2 slices of cucumber to cover the eyes, and the remaining chopped to pieces.
Mixed with cucumber slices that have been destroyed with pure honey.
Rinse your face until it is clean and dry.
Apply a mixture of cucumber and honey as a mask for 30 minutes. Use 2 slices of cucumber had to cover his eyes.
After 30 minutes wash your face and pat dry.
 2 Yoghurt
Yogurt is milk that has dipermentasikan and excellent for reducing sore on the skin irritation. In addition, yogurt can also make your skin brighter one level.

Processing way:
Provide plain yogurt (without flavor).
Save yoghurt in the fridge to cool.
Rinse your face and pat dry.
Apply a cold yogurt on your face for 15 minutes.
After that wash and dry your face again.
 3 Olive Oil
Olive oil or olive oil contains vitamin E which is good for the skin, in addition to the already well-known olive oil is effective in treating skin include irritation.

Processing way:
Provide olive oil to taste.
Rinse your face and pat dry.
Rub olive oil on the entire surface of the face evenly.
Let stand for 10 minutes so that the nutrients into the skin.
Once completed wash your face again.

That was a way how we can do in overcoming skin irritation resulting from the use of cosmetics.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

Ways to Make Women Crazy, 100% Powerful

Hi boys! besides a great way to seduce a girl. There is also ya, a surefire way to make a girl crazy on us (guys). 100% effective! This surefire way krisna praktekin already had known. Until now wrote boyfriend krisna still sticky, like stamps. ha ha ha. Well, it does not hurt my friends try. Here's a surefire way to make a girl crazy. Curious! Want to? These tips obtained from various sources and of various experiences. Hehehe, Here are 10 tricks to make the girl "crazy" to you, which has proven his all-powerful.  

1. Do not be too familiar

 Many men who can only be a friend of a girl he likes. One reason is because the girls felt their relationship was too close, so better to just be friends. Well, if you really like a girl, should not be too familiar first.  

2. Not many judge

One of the bad habits of men are physically assess women. Yet everyone knows, nobody's perfect. Make him feel comfort while near you. One of them, to accept who she is, not be compared with other girls, especially with your ex girlfriend.  

3. Not binding

You may just like it, do not be afraid to lose him. But it does not mean you have to curb or tie. Give him space. Do not be too often "reveal" themselves. Let him guessing, which, being what and with whom you are. You can grow the total absence of longing in him.

4. Willing

Show you are interested and enthusiastic to hear the story. Also show you are willing to hear complaints sigh and confidante. Do not forget to give us your feedback on smart humorous stories. Give alternative solutions to the problems it faces, without sounding patronizing.

5. Lots of smiles

A smile is one powerful weapon in the spread charm. Said the expert, a smile is a reflection of people who always think positive. Well, it could not hurt you a bit of a sweet-faced him. It would be better if you could also make him smile. With fresh jokes, for example.

6. So the best

To be the best, does not mean you have to do things out of reach. Be the best you can be alone. One way, with ready to accompany him when his sad and happy.  

7. Not force

Try to resist the urge to nyatain love. You need a little patience. You meneleponya okay, but not too often. Try also to do not too often to rags. Try to just talk about the important things whenever nelpon.  

8. Selling expensive bit

That this is another form of points 7. Although the girl knew exactly you like, but try not to serve what he wants. Pretending to ignore if you're nearby.  

9. Let him guessing

Girl generally fond of something that is mysterious, you know. That's why a lot of girls who become the author of the stories spiced adventure and mystery, like Agatha Christie or Enid Blyton. Make him like it. The trick? Do not immediately open up. Tell me a little bit about yourself. This will make him more curious and do not get bored quickly. Let curiosity continued to grow. By doing so, he will get to know you more and more.

10. Honest and gentle

Show that you are an honest man, polite, charming at the same time. No need to give a reason for a lot of mistakes, dress neatly and speak good words to hear. If you could look like that, we can be sure he'll want to close you continue.

This just enough yet, please try Ways to Make Women Crazy, 100% Powerful!.

Powerful Tips To Sleep Faster and soundly

One of the breaks that can make us comfortable after a series of activities we do is dnegan did sleep. But often when we run out of time because the day of the activity and bustle, we just uncomfortable night and could not sleep well. This is what often happens and cause aggravation of its own. Just flipping the body for hours until she finally fell asleep in an agitated state. This is what often makes people become frustrated because her hour rest period or less. Usually that often occurs following day is passionate emotion-nggebu and people around to be targeted. So you type that? do not worry and worry. There are some Tips To Sleep Faster and you will be able to get quality sleep at least 7 hours per day.

Tips To Sleep Faster The first is to maintain the room temperature properly. Beds that have the cool air and the dark will help you to get to sleep more quickly and have a good sleep and quality. By wearing the blanket, of course the warmth of the body temperature will be maintained. If you happen to belong to the type of people who frequent night sweats, then you are encouraged to mengenaakn cooling pad so that the body temperature is maintained. Remember that you need a dark room will help your brain to think clearly and will automatically think that it is time for you to sleep so that the hormone will release all of drowsiness. Now it is different if your room is bright, it will delay the sleepiness hormone making it difficult to fall asleep. In addition, you should turn off electronic devices around you and make sure the room in dark conditions so that you can also sleep quietly. The time is right to turn off your electronic devices is one hour before bedtime. Also avoid hours have loud voices and seen as this will only trigger their anxiety alone.

Please also note that when you go to sleep you should choose pillows and mattresses that can make you feel comfortable. It is one of the Tips To Sleep Faster is very important to note. The bed that brings a sense of discomfort will make it difficult to sleep. Our thoughts will be focused on the pillows and sheets. Therefore, wash sheets and blankets regularly and clean with a good mattress so that you when you feel comfortable going to sleep. Moreover, if your room has essential aroma that will help you feel relaxed and fikiranmu will become clear. You can sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on a bed or under your pillow. This has been proven by many people even been proven in a study.

18 Powerful Ways Increase Your IQ

1. Pull Breath in deeply.

By breathing through your nose can improve your brain function quickly. Took a deep breath in providing more oxygen in your blood, and of course on your brain. Low oxygen levels in your blood will reduce your brain function. If you are interested, you can try to do a breathing exercise.

2. Make the Journal.

Catharine M. Cox, an author, never studied the habits of 300 geniuses - such as Isaac Newton, Einstein, and Thomas Jefferson - and discovered that all these geniuses is the author of a journal or diary that diligent. Also, remember that Thomas Edison wrote 3 million pages of notes, letters and personal thoughts in hundreds of personal journals throughout his life.

3. Learn as much as possible.

When we learn new things, we create new neural part of current flow in our brain. People who are "smart" is someone who has a current flow more than the others. The human brain will create a current flow of nerve by learning new things; and the more diverse it is learned, the "smart" did our brains.

4. Learn Speed ​​Reading.

Photo Reading is very easy to learn techniques that will help you to process large amounts of written information more quickly and help you remember the information better than the traditional methods taught in schools.

Although most speed reading techniques teach you how to move your eyes faster in every page you read, Photo Reading is a reading system that mengajarakan you to use your conscious mind and your subconscious when reading. Basically, Photo Reading can be done by using some reading material that is easy to read by applying several different techniques each time. The first ingredient involves your conscious mind and use other methods to improve your memory and understand the material.

5. Take a Short Time to Rest Regularly.

Learn for 20 minutes and then take the time to rest briefly. This method is effective because of the things you learned at the beginning and end of the session you learn will last longer in your memory. You can download (download) Motivator Software free of charge so that every 20 minutes a message appears on your computer that reminds you to rest.

6. Use the acronym for Information Given.

Acronyms an abbreviated form which was formed from the initial letters of each word. This memory method will help you to learn large amounts of information in a short time. For example, "Every Good Boy Does Fine" is an acronym that is often used by musicians to remember the tone in a particular key.

7. Breakfast.

Breakfast has been shown to improve concentration, problem solving ability, mental performance, memory, and mood. Breakfast is the first chance for the body to recharge glucose levels after a period of 8 to 12 hours without food. Glucose is the main source of energy for your body.

8. Use Your Body to Help You Learn Something.

Body movement is a key process in the development and learning process. Brain Gym (Sports Brain) is a simple exercise program, which was developed over 25 years by the education specialist, Dr. Paul Dennison. Brain Gym can help you in the following matters:
- Understanding
- Concentration
- Thinking abstractly
- Memory
- Mental Fatigue
- The ability to complete the task
- Physical balance and coordination

Click here to find 3 Brain Gym exercises that you can do ("Brain Buttons", "Cross Crawl", and Hook Ups ").

9. Meditation.

Neuropsychologist says that meditation can alter the structure of your brain. The results of MRI scans of meditators showed more brain activity in brain circuits you notice anything in particular. When the annoying noises played on meditators who are going through an MRI scan, these voices have only a small effect on the area in their brain that involves emotion and decision-making processes compared to those who do not meditate or less experienced meditators.

10. Stay away from food that contains sugar.

Carbohydrates in any form - such as pasta, white bread and potato chips - can make you feel tired and lazy. The effects of consuming these foods will make you difficult to think clearly. This is the result of insulin in your blood flowing to counteract the sugar levels are too high.

11. Sports Emotional Intelligence (EI) you.

Over the years the public gives a lot of emphasis on aspects of intelligence, such as the ability to think logically, mathematically, the understanding of space, analogies, verbal, and others. However, over the last few years, many people feel they are wasting their potential to think, act, and communicate in ways that hinder their chances of success. Emotional intelligence is recognized as a meta-physical abilities that allow you to utilize the capabilities and talents you have optimally. Follow the emotional intelligence test here.

12. Take advantage of Every Time You.

Take advantage every time, for example when you are using public transportation or waiting in line, productively. Complete the crossword puzzle or Sudoku while waiting in the queue and listen to audio programs when using public transport.

13. Jogging.

One expert explained that you can improve mood, prevent memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and work better just by treating your heart rate and sweating. Scientific evidence indicates that aerobic exercise reshape our brains to achieve optimal performance.

14. Train all your senses.

The scientists found that the human brain is the most effective learning through activities involving various senses. Children and adults learn very well when they learn through activities involving sight, sound, emotion, reciprocal, the orientation of the room, and even the sense of taste and taste.

Mike Adams, an author, explains in his book that a child who is given the definition of "weightlessness" verbally obtain information about the word through one dimension: the hearing. If you show a child movie about an astronaut floating in space when you say the word "weightless", you give the word information through two-dimensional; where the child sees and hears the word. And if you told the boy jumping up and down using the trampoline and shouting the word "weightless" when the child is in the air, the sense of the word will be increasingly embedded deeper in the brain.

15. Train your Brain Waves Alpha.

The study found that the ideal conditions for learning is when the brain is in a relaxed condition, but stay focused and awake. In these circumstances the brain waves run approximately 8 to 12 cycles per second, which is known as the alpha state.

16. Eat antioxidants.

Antioxidants protect the cells of your body, including your brain cells. Some foods with high antioxidant content include: raisins, blueberries, blackberries, garlic, cranberry, strawberry, spinach, and raspberries.

17. Use your intuition.

Learn to use intuition into a process of gathering information. By relying on your intuition, you expand your awareness and direct your subconscious to gather information from the environment around you.

18. Use the Assistant System Memory.

Auxiliary system memory, or which is known as the system object number, is a technique to remember the list. This system works by recalling a list of words that can easily be "associated" with the number represented by these words. (1-10, 1-100, and so on). That's your memory. If you need to remember a list in a short time, each item in the list can match you with a suitable figure. Once you remember these numbers, you can use the same numbers over and over again every time you need to remember something.

When you have to memorize the things that are in the list, visualize the object with the number you have. You can choose the words that have the same rhyme with these figures, the following examples are taken from Wikipedia:
• 1-gun
• 2-zoo
• 3-tree
• 4-door
• 5-hive
• 6-bricks
• 7-heaven
• 8-plate
• 9-wine
• 10-hen

For example, if you memorize 10 objects that you want to buy in the drugstore: cotton (cotton ball), toothpaste (toothpaste), chewing gum (gum), paper (paper), glue (glue), index cards (index cards) , multivitamin (multivitamins), hand cream (hand cream), shampoo, and nail polish (nail polish). Do the following:
1. Imagine cotton (cotton balls) fired from the gun (gun)
2. Imagine a gorilla in a zoo (zoo) was brushing his teeth
3. Imagine a tree (a tree) with a pack of gum (gum) grows on branches
4. Imagine someone enter through the paper (paper door)
5. Imagine se-jar glue (glue) surrounded by bees as if the jar was a beehive (beehive)
6. Imagine a house made of bricks (bricks) index cards (index cards)
7. Imagine angels (angels) are taking a multivitamin.
8. Imagine a plate (a plate full) containing cream (hand cream)
9. Imagine a glass of wine (a wine glass) containing shampoo.
10. Imagine a cock (a hen) with red nails (bright red nails).

Hope it is useful ...


Rosy lips become the main attraction for a woman. With a red lip color to make women look more sexy, gorgeous and the concern of many people. No doubt, healthy lips, a red and bright natural increase the confidence and charm of your personality. how to redden lips naturally How Redden Lips Naturally, Quickly and Easily Various methods are used to look red lips want instant results, with treatment at a high cost. Not only whiten the face who need extra care, some people even sew their lips only to enlighten and redden the lips, yet they are very sick and very dangerous for health risks. So do not be lulled by the products or the like because the deals are not necessarily the result is also the maximum. It would be better if you use natural ingredients, because in addition to secure, inexpensive and convenient also the result can be a maximum on the condition that you have to be consistent to do so.


 1. Honey How to redden lips naturally the first is the use of honey. Honey is not only believed to nourish the body in general, but also beneficial to redden your lips. You can use it by taking a few pure honey, then rub it on the lips evenly. It would seem effective if its use before bed at night. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

 2. Lime In addition to being a natural ingredient for skin care and acne, lemon juice can also be used as a natural way redden the lips. The trick is to prepare as much lime juice 2-3 tablespoons, then mix a little warm water into it. Then dab on your lips thoroughly and let stand for up to 15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. Do this 1-3 times a day.

 3. Avocados   Avocado has many benefits for health and beauty, one of which used to redden lips naturally. It is certain once the fruit is easy to obtain. The trick is to prepare an avocado slices to taste and puree until smooth, then add a few drops of olive oil into it. Once the material is ready to be used to rub on your lips subtly accompanied by a massage. If thats enough, let sejanak, then is rinsing with warm water.

 4. Air Mawar Surely you already know a rose is not it? You can take advantage of the soaking of water rose to redden your lips. The trick is to apply rose water that has soaked 15-20 minutes duration on your lips and do not forget after a silence while, rinse with warm water.

 5. Almond Oil Almond oil is the best material to restore your lips to be rosy as when you are a teenager. You can buy almond oil at the supermarket. The way is also easy enough to put it on the lip area. Besides other uses that almond oil is able to keep the lips moist so it is not easy to dry. In addition to the above redden lips, is very important to treat the lips every day to avoid cracks and cracked.

Remember, loss of moisture makes your lips scaly, dry and flaking. To keep your lips natural red permanent, you need to prevent your lips black and dark. If the already blackened lips, you can apply toothpaste on the lip, do this every time before a shower. Here are some tips to prevent lip color black / dark. Stop Smoking. Quit smoking immediately! tobacco and cigarette smoke suction that you will make your lips dark and blackened. Avoid using lipstick for too long. You should also avoid the use of lipstick various types and brands. The use of different types of lipstick continuously will make your lips damaged. Get used to clean the lipstick after the move. You can also apply honey on the lips of every day at bedtime to keep the lips in order to stay healthy.

By: sehatsatu.com

Senin, 20 Juli 2015

Cara Menghilangkan jerawat

  Jerawat merupakan satu masalah yang sangat serius sekarang ini, namun pada artikel kali ini akan sedikit berbagi tips cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan bahan alami (bukan obat) , ada berbagai macam bahan yang akan digunakan yaitu tomat, putih telur, pasta gigi, dan masih banyak lainnya yang pastinya akan lebih aman dan efeknya pun akan melekat selamanya karena tidak tercampur sedikitpun bahan kimia yang akan merusak kulit anda. Beberapa penyebab jerawat di muka anda dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, obat obatan, kosmetik dan sel kulit mati yang menumpuk. namun sebelum bahasan kita menjadi panjang ada baiknya anda mengetahui apa itu jerawat dan pengertian jerawat secara umum. Jerawat adalah keadaan saat pori pori pada kulit anda tersumbat dan timbullah kantung nanah yang akan menjadi radang. namun jerawat bukanlah penyakit yang serius kok, mana ada orang mati oleh jerawat. Walaupun begitu caraku.net menyarankan untuk segera menyembuhkan jerawat yang timbul agar kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit anda terjaga dengan baik. Pengenalan Model Dan Type Jerawat Sebelum anda mengetahui cara menghilangkan jerawat, kenalilah dulu beberapa tipe jerawat pada umumnya.

 1. Komedo Komedo adalah keadaan saat pori pori pada kulit anda tersumbat, ada 2 jenis komedo yaitu komedo terbuka & komedo tertutup. Faktor yang mengakibatkan jerawat komedo muncul yaitu kelenjar minyak yang terbilang berlebihan dan menumpuknya sel kulit mati pada kulit anda.

 2. Jerawat Biasa Model jerawat selanjutnya jerawat biasa (jerawat klasik), ciri khas model jerawat ini yaitu terdapat benjolan benjolan kecil pada permukaan kulit anda, baik berwarna merah maupun agak merah muda.

 3. Jerawat Batu Ini adalah jerawat yang banyak dibenci kebanyakan orang, betapa tidak jerawat batu membuat suatu benjolan besar dibagian kulit anda dan juga disertai peradangan.

 Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat Dengan Mudah Setelah anda mengetahui definisi jerawat dan type jerawat pada umumnya, maka selanjutnya tinggal menerapkan tips cara menghilangkan jerawat secara alami ini.

 1. Menghilangkan jerawat dengan putih telur Caranya yaitu siapkan dahulu putih telur (terserah telur apa saja boleh) , jika sudah bersihkan dulu muka anda, selanjutnya tinggal oleskan saja putih telur tadi kebagian muka anda, anggap sebagai masker. Diamkan 15 menit sampai mengering, biasanya muka anda akan terasa kaku lalu cuci kembali muka anda, lakukanlah 2-3x dalam sehari.

 2. Menggunakan Buah Tomat Iris tomat tipis tipis lalu tempelkan ke area jerawat pada wajah anda, diamkan sampai 20-30 menit lalu cuci kembali muka anda, lakukan ini setidaknya 3x dalam seminggu.

 3. Menggunakan Lidah Buaya Caranya kupas kulit lidah buaya dan oleskan jel yang dihasilkan oleh lidah buaya tersebut ke wajah anda. Lakukanlah metode ini pada pagi dan sore hari agar jerawat anda cepat terkelupas dan mengering.

 4. Menggunakan Bawang Putih Caranya yaitu haluskan beberapa siung bawang putih, selanjutnya tinggal oleskan saja pada wajah anda lalu diamkan hingga 15 menit dan bersihkan. Sebaiknya metode ini dilakukan 1 hari sekali.

 5. Menggunakan Jeruk Nipis + Madu Caranya yaitu campurkan perasan jeruk nipis (1 sendok saja) dan campurkan dengan madu (1 sendok juga), aduk rata dan oleskan pada wajah anda. Diamkan hingga 30 menit lalu bilas dengan air bersih, metode ini sebaiknya dilakukan minimal 2x dalam seminggu.

 6. Menggunakan Pasta Gigi Caranya oleskan saja pasta gigi / odol ke wajah anda, ini akan sedikit pedih tapi cuma di awal kok kalo udah beberapa menit akan berubah menjadi dingin. Metode ini bisa diterapkan saat anda ingin tidur di malam hari dan biarkan hingga pagi.

 7. Menggunakan Parutan Jagung Bersihkan dahulu jagung yang ingin anda jadikan obat, sdbaiknya gunakan jagung yang muda, parutlah dan ambil ampasnya lalu oleskan ke wajah anda. d